Where Do Bats Live?

Where Do Bats Live?

Where Do Bats Live? 11 min read| Updated for March, 2019 Bats are often considered to be mysterious, frightening, disease-carrying creatures only found in deep, dark places. But that’s not necessarily true. Bats are a very common and beneficial animal that can be...
Rabies in Humans and Animals

Rabies in Humans and Animals

Rabies in Humans and Animals 18 min read| Updated for March, 2019 In the U.S. when we think of rabies, we think of danger; danger to our health. And while rabies cases in the U.S. are rare, the devastating and aggressive nature of this disease means that we should all...
Animal Poop Identification Guide

Animal Poop Identification Guide

Animal Poop Identification Guide 54 min read| Updated for March, 2019 While wild animal waste may not be something you think about or consider on a daily basis, it will spark your interest when it shows up on your property. Being able to identify the excrement that is...